2025 Meetings:
All regular meetings are scheduled for the 4th,
Monday of the month at 6:30 pm unless
otherwise posted.
January 27
March 24
May 27
July 28
September 22
November 24
2025 RATES
Water Base $35.50
Sewer Base $45.50
Water Usage $10.00/1000 Gallons
Sewer Usage $10.00/1000 Gallons
Office Location: Phone: (814)687-3005
1800 Beaver Valley Road **For Hearing Impaired use PA Relay 7-1-1
Flinton, PA 16640 Fax: (814)687-3995
Hours of Operation:
Monday through Friday
7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Closed on all federal holidays
Drop-off payment slot: Open 24/7
GVMA is an Equal Opportunity Provider & Employer
Emergency Assistance:
GVMA does provide 24/7 emergency assistance. However, please try to limit such calls to true emergencies. Additionally, we ask that you limit self-created emergencies through proper planning.
Emergency Contact Numbers: